Minor in Justice Studies
If you recognize that equal access to life-sustaining resources such as employment, quality education, healthcare, food, clean environments, and legal protection from discrimination is vital for society – then a justice studies minor is for you. Ours is a multiple-disciplinary minor with a flexible curriculum tailored to your interests.
More than ever the world needs effective scholars, leaders, and advocates like you who are prepared to engage with the complex social, economic, political, and interpersonal challenges that influence our communities and institutions. We create a curriculum that takes multiple perspectives and advocate with those who are typically underrepresented and vulnerable to exploitation.
Coursework might investigate:
- Violence as it varies across race, ethnicity, class, age, and gender
- How access to quality education can encourage peace
- Disability and access to public venues and resources
- Human rights in relation to immigration
- The “New Jim Crow” and criminal justice reform