Central Ohio government leader offers advice to new students
Posted Aug 28, 2019
At the 2019 Otterbein New Student Convocation held on Thursday, Aug. 22, Franklin County Commissioner Kevin Boyce offered his take on the importance of higher education and the day.
“Today is about a new chapter, new beginnings,” he explained. “But what I know for sure is that it’s not about where you start but where you end up that matters most.”
Boyce went on to emphasize the importance of making connections with fellow classmates, professors and university staff as they can be key allies and advocates towards a student’s desired career path. Boyce relayed a story of a college professor who recommended him to the Mayor of Toledo’s office as someone to watch. He was then offered a job by the mayor that launched his decorated career in public service.
“You may not know it yet, but the people in this room, this university, will change your life forever for the better,” he said.
Boyce also discussed that opportunity will come to every student but it is up to you to take advantage of it, as he did accepting the position in Toledo. He closed by highlighting how Otterbein is preparing each of the 720 students of the class of 2023 for a life of serving the greater good and that the moments spent in higher education will only make them stronger.
“Our community will only thrive if you take advantage of everything at Otterbein to become better citizens, people and leaders,” he said. “That’s what an education will do.