MBA – Are remote work opportunities the new normal?

Posted Feb 18, 2021

Did you know… 

An increasing number of employees expect remote work to become the new normal? According to a recent Forbes article from November 2020, approximately 5% of full-time employees with office jobs worked primarily from home before COVID-19. That figure is likely to settle at 20-30%, with variation across occupations and industries. 

At the same time, employees are seeking the right mix of technology and skills to allow themselves to function as if they were in the office. They are seeking the best tools to engage coworkers in a more seamless fashion. But more importantly, they are seeking the best tools to engage customers. 

To expand on the ever-important topic of customers, let’s keep in mind that customers are not so concerned by an employee’s work location or lack of technology. They expect the same stellar service they received before COVID-19. What is an employee to do? As employees look forward to more remote work opportunities, they must find more effective ways of taking care of the customer.  

The following article from provides five trends/insights for better servicing the customer in 2021. Dixa is a “conversational customer service software” provider, and one of many companies with great suggestions on how to better serve the customer in 2021.

Let us know what you think. Please feel free to email Don Eskew, Interim MBA Director.

– R. Eric Lloyd, Former MBA Director 

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