PreK-5 Primary Education - Bachelor of Science in Education (BSE)

Teacher Education Program 

The PreK-5 Primary Education program leads to an Ohio two-year PreK-5 Primary Education Resident Educator License,  valid for teaching grades PreK-5.  Please note the PreK-5 Primary Education license requires 12 literacy hours, which includes Phonics, EDUC 1700. 

Program Description 

A display of the required courses and recommended course sequences for the PreK-5 Primary Education program is provided below. The recommended sequence should not be changed, if it can be avoided. Be sure to consult your faculty advisor when you make any change to the sequence. 

Course substitutions require the written permission of the Chairperson of the Education Department. 

PreK-5 Primary Education teacher candidates may be able to complete coursework that would add an Intervention Specialist (PreK-5) license. This is optional to the program and should be considered on consultation with your faculty advisor.  


Meeting with your advisor is essential for staying on track with university and teacher preparation program requirements. Reach out to your advisor each semester and be sure to communicate your plans for when you want to student teach. Your entire program should be organized around the student teaching semester. 

Program Information

Fall 1 Spring 1
FYS 1000 Level First Year Seminar (3) Fall or Spring, or TYS 2000 Level Transition Year Seminar (3) Fall or Spring (transfer students only). EDUC 1800: Health, Movement, and the Arts in Primary Education (3) Fall or Spring
Math 1210: Nature of Mathematics (3) Fall or Spring, or Math 1500: Introduction to Mathematical Thought (3) Fall only INST 1500: Identity Projects: Writing and Literature (3) Fall or Spring. Writing Intensive
EDUC 901-903 (Standardized Test Prep as needed; 1 credit each). Fall only Math 2100: Math for Early Childhood Education (pre-req. Math 1210) (3) Spring only
Required skills courses (see catalog for options) (3-4)
EDUC 1700: Phonics and Language Study: P-5 Primary (3) Fall or Spring
LFW Series Health and Physical Education Lifestyle series (1) Fall or Spring
EDUC 1600 Study of the School (4) Writing Intensive; Includes 45-hour field component (3) Fall or Spring


For admission to EDUC 1600, students must have a 2.5 overall GPA, have met test score requirements, and have a current FBI/BCI Background Check on file.

Fall 2 Spring 2
INST 2000 Level Interconnections (3) Fall or Spring. *Recommend INST 2011 INST 2200 Level: Reflection & Responsibility (3) Fall or Spring
Math 2110: Mathematics in the P-5 Classroom: Geometry, Measurement, and Data Representation (3) Fall only EDUC 2555: Preschool Intervention Internship (1-2) Spring only. *Includes 25-50 required field hours. Consult with advisor.
EDUC 2200: Educational Psychology: Primary Education (3) Fall or Spring. *Includes 20 required field hours  EDUC 2510: Exceptional Children: Primary Education (3) Spring only
EDUC 2550: Classroom Management, Teaming, and Collaboration (3) Fall only EDUC 2600: Emergent Literacy in Inclusive Environments (3) Spring only. Writing Intensive
Skills course: consult with your advisor EDUC 2300: Educational Technology: Primary Education (3) Spring only

Students must apply for admission to Teacher Education during Year 2, EDUC 2200.

*Note: EDUC 3600 not required if student takes INST 2011


Fall 3 Spring 3
INST 2400 Level: Natural Foundations (3) Fall or Spring INST 2600 Level: Creativity and Culture (3) Fall or Spring
EDUC 2400: Pedagogical Content Knowledge in the P-3 Social Studies Classroom (3) Fall only EDUC 3210: Pedagogical Content Knowledge in the P-5 Science  Classroom II (3) Spring only
EDUC 2500: Pedagogical Content Knowledge in the P-5 Science Classroom I (3) Fall only EDUC 3230: Pedagogical Content Knowledge in the 4-5 Social Studies Classroom (3) Spring only

EDUC 3200: Integrated Curriculum Internship *50 required field hours. (3) Fall or Spring

*Admission to Teacher Education Program required. 

EDUC 3250: Integrated Curriculum Internship, Grades 4-5 (3) Spring only

*50 required field hours.

EDUC 3640: Elementary Literacy Assessment and Instruction (3) Fall only. *Includes 20 required field hours

EDUC 3650: Comprehension and Composition in P-5 Primary Education (3) Spring only

To take any year 3 EDUC course with a field component, students must be admitted to Teacher Education Program (Decision Point 2) and have a current FBI/BCI Background Check on file. 


Fall 4 Spring 4
EDUC 4710: Student Teaching: Primary Education (10) Fall or Spring INST 2800 Level Course: Global Cultures (3) Fall or Spring
EDUC 4720: Student Teaching Seminar (2) Fall or Spring INST 3000 Level Course: Integrative Seminar (3) Fall or Spring
  SYE Senior Year Experience (2-3) Fall or Spring. Consult with advisor. 
Required Skills Course 

Year 4 Note: Student teaching requires successful review at Decision Point 3. 


Adding a PreK-5 Intervention Specialist concentration and license

Primary Education Intervention Specialist License

Please discuss this licensure area with your faculty advisor. The coursework listed below leads to a second license for those in the PreK-5 Primary Education major. This is a PreK-5 Primary Intervention Specialist licensure program. An additional licensure exam is required. This optional, add-on program may require an additional semester, or other time spent in courses, for students who may be unable to schedule the required courses due to competing university, major, and other requirements.


Recommended Four-Year Plan for Bachelor of Science in PreK-5 Primary Education with Dual PreK-5 Intervention Specialist license

Fall 1 Spring 1
FYS 1000 Level First Year Seminar (3) Fall or Spring, or TYS 2000 Level Transition Year Seminar (3) Fall or Spring (transfer students only). EDUC 1800: Health, Movement, and the Arts in Primary Education (3) Fall or Spring
EDUC 1600: Study of the School (4) Fall or Spring.
Writing Intensive; Includes 45-hour field component. 
INST 1500: Identity Projects: Writing and Literature (3) Fall or Spring. Writing Intensive
Math 1210: Nature of Mathematics (3) Fall or Spring, or Math 1500: Introduction to Mathematical Thought (3) Fall or Spring Math 2100: Math for Early Childhood Education (3) Spring only
Phonics 1700: Phonics and Language Study: Primary Education (3) Fall or Spring EDUC 2200: Educational Psychology: Primary Education (3) Fall or Spring. Includes 20-hour field placement
EDUC 901,903 (Standardized Test Prep as needed; 1 credit each). Fall only INST 2011: Equity and Literacy (3) Fall or Spring. (serves as a requirement for INST 2000)
Required skills courses (see catalog for options) (3-4)
LFW Series Health and Physical Education Lifestyle series (1) Fall or Spring

For admission to EDUC 1600, students must have a 2.5 overall GPA, have met test score requirements, and have a current FBI/BCI Background Check on file.


Fall 2 Spring 2
INST 2200 Level: Reflection & Responsibility (3) Fall or Spring EDUC 2510: Exceptional Children: Primary Education (3) Spring only
Math 2110: Mathematics in the P-5 Classroom: Geometry, Measurement, and Data Representation (3) Fall only EDUC 2555: Preschool Intervention Internship (1-2) Spring only. *Includes 25-50 required field hours. Consult with advisor. 
EDUC 2300: Educational Technology: Primary Education (3) Fall or Spring EDUC 2600: Emergent Literacy in Inclusive Environments (3) Spring only. Writing Intensive
EDUC 3640: Elementary Literacy Assessment and Instruction (3) Fall only. *Includes 20 required field hours EDUC 2530 Behavior and the Learning Environment (3) Spring only

Skills Class

EDUC 3650: Reading and Writing across the Disciplines (3) Spring only
INST 2400 Level: Natural Foundations (3) Fall or Spring
Students must apply for admission to Teacher Education during Year 2, EDUC 2200



Fall 3 Spring 3
INST 2600 Level: Creativity and Culture (3) Fall or Spring INST 2800: Global Cultures (3) Fall or Spring
EDUC 2400: Pedagogical Content Knowledge in the P-3 Social Studies Classroom (3) Fall only EDUC 3210: Pedagogical Content Knowledge in the P-5 Science  Classroom II (3) Spring only
EDUC 2500: Pedagogical Content Knowledge in the P-5 Science Classroom I (3) Fall only EDUC 3230: Pedagogical Content Knowledge in 4-5 Social Studies (3) Spring only
EDUC 3200: Integrated Curriculum Internship (3) Spring only. *50 required field hours. EDUC 3250: Integrated Curriculum Internship, Grades 4-5 (3) Spring only.
*50 required field hours.
EDUC 3360: Assessment and Progress Monitoring (3) Fall only EDUC 3320: Specialized Instructional Planning (3) Spring only



Fall 4 Spring 4
EDUC 4555: Intervention Specialist Practicum (3) Fall only EDUC 4710: Student Teaching: Primary Education (10) Fall or Spring
EDUC 4550: Early Childhood Special Education Methods * 75 required field hours (3) EDUC 4720: Student Teaching Seminar (2) Fall or Spring
SYE Senior Year Experience (2-3) Fall or Spring. Consult with your advisor
INST 3000 Level Course: Integrative Seminar (3) Fall or Spring
 Student teaching requires successful review at Decision Point 3.


Student Learning Outcomes University Learning Goals (KMERI*)
1. Learners and Learner Development – Candidates apply their knowledge of learner development, including cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical. Knowledgeable, Multi-literate
2. Learning Differences – Candidates apply their understandings of learner differences. Knowledgeable
3. Learning Environment – Candidates apply their knowledge of the learning environment; including individual and collaborative learning, positive social interaction, active engagement, and self-motivation. Knowledgeable, Multi-literate
4. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion -Candidates believe that all learners can achieve at high levels, examine and understand their own personal biases, persist in supporting and scaffolding all learners, respect learners as individuals, make learners feel valued, promote respect among learners. Knowledgeable, Responsible
5. Instructional Practice – Candidates apply their knowledge of multiple methods of assessment to monitor learner progress and guide decision making. Knowledgeable, Multi-literate
6. Instructional Practice – Candidates plan instruction that builds on content knowledge, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy. Knowledgeable, Multi-literate
7. Instructional Practice – Candidates use current technology to support assessment and enhance K-12 learning. Knowledgeable, Multi-literate
8. Professionalism – Candidates apply knowledge of professional standards of practice (relevant laws, policies, practices). Engaged, Inquisitive
9. Professionalism – Candidates collaborate effectively with learners, families, colleagues, and other school professionals to ensure learner growth. Responsible, Engaged
10. Professionalism – Candidates engage in ongoing professional development; create habits of mind to support lifelong learning. Engaged, Inquisitive

*NOTE: KMERI refers to Otterbein's learning goals. It stands for KnowledgeableMulti-literateEngagedResponsible, and Inquisitive. To learn more about KMERI, visit our University Learning Goals page.