Our facilities are designed to drive your personal and professional development and to help you work side-by-side with your professors.
Psychology House
The Psychology House, located on Grove Street next to the Library, is the heart of the department. Walk right in; there’s no need to knock. The administrative assistant’s office and faculty mailboxes are on the first and second floors. There is a small reception area on the first floor where students can take make-up exams, watch video assignments or visit while waiting to see a faculty member.
Psychology Research Suites
Each faculty member has a research laboratory in the Psychology Research Suites located east of the Campus Center. Students can work as research assistants as part of work study, or they may design and conduct their own independent research projects with the guidance of a faculty member. Many of these projects involve data collection in the Psychology Research Suites. All students in 1000 and 2000 level psychology courses are required to participate in research studies, and these studies also often take place in the Research Suites.