About Cardinal Conversations
The mission of Cardinal Conversations: Fostering Connections is to bring alumni and friends of the University together to provide them with campus updates, familiarize them with University priorities, and share options that celebrate their student experience and impact the next generation of Otterbein students.
The purpose of Cardinal Conversations: Fostering Connections is to work in collaboration with a current donor or champion of the University to highlight their enthusiasm for the institution. Hosts will partner with a member of the Institutional Advancement team to share updates on the Campus Center, new leadership at Otterbein, and other University priorities. They will also learn about the joy of giving and how they can fund giving initiatives on campus to support students, faculty, and programs. Examples are: online giving initiatives, the Joanne Van Sant Society, President’s Society, the Otterbein Fund Scholarship Program, and sustainer giving.
Goals & Objectives
Otterbein is so fortunate to have many local alumni in our surrounding communities. Cardinal Conversations: Fostering Connections will assist in maximizing engagement and outreach to alumni and friends of Otterbein. Anticipated outcomes include:
- Connect and meet more people.
- Utilize and identify area Development volunteers in meaningful projects.
- Increase and educate others about annual giving to inspire the joy of giving to Otterbein.
- Connect with a large number of alumni quickly.

We are seeking hosts in Central Ohio!
Types of Hosting
- Name, venue/ and or access, and full costs (ex. name, cost of venue/ and or access, and food and beverage)
- Name, venue/ and or access, and partial costs (ex. name, cost of venue, and partial cost for food and beverage)
- In the amount of $_____________ Please make checks payable to: Otterbein University and comment IA gift fund in the memo line.
- Make a gift in kind for the amount of $________. Turn in the receipt (s) for the program and the gift goes to the Institutional Advancement gift fund to cover or pay for any costs.
- Name and venue/and or access only (name and cost of venue only)
Interested in Hosting a Conversation?