Rising Star
- Columbus, OH
- Program Manager for H11B (GI/Rheum/Renal/Endo/Genetics) and Dialysis Unit (Nationwide Children’s Hospital)
Award presented: April 13, 2019
Christine Humphrey graduated with her BSN from The Ohio State University in 2010. She began working as a bedside RN in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) at Nationwide Children’s Hospital (NCH). In 2014, Christine graduated from Otterbein University with her dual MSN and MBA degrees with an executive focus. At that time she was promoted to the role of Education Nurse Specialist in PICU at NCH. In 2015, Christine transitioned to the Education Nurse Specialist for 20 medical specialty clinics at NCH. She started back to school in 2016 to attain her DNP at Otterbein University. Her focus was on improving knowledge and attitudes toward the trans* and gender-nonconforming population. She presented this topic at national conferences including Association for Nurses in Aids Care and Nursing Management Congress. In 2016 Christine was promoted to Program Manager for some of the medical specialty clinics including Adolescent Medicine, Teen and Pregnant, Eating Disorders, and the Juvenile Detention Center. Christine graduated with her DNP in the spring of 2018. During that time she also became the Program Manager for the inpatient Endo/GI/Rheum/Renal/Genetics unit, as well as the Dialysis Unit.