Donald E. Kinsler, Class of 1969
Posted Jun 05, 2019
Donald E. Kinsler ’69 died July 17, 2018. He was born February 25, 1946 in Springfield, Ohio; son of Margaret June Kinsler Bockhorst and the late Jack Kinsler. Donald graduated from Springfield South High School in 1964. He attended Otterbein, later finishing his degree at Wright State University with a bachelor of Education. During his time at Otterbein he was active in Quiz and Quill, Order of Omega, a contributor to the Tan and Cardinal, and was a member of Pi Kappa Phi (Country Club) fraternity.
He worked at Wright Patterson AFB, Spectra Physics, Ochs Industries, and most recently as a security guard in municipal buildings in downtown Dayton. He is survived by his mother Margaret June Kinsler Bockhorst; son, Kenny Kinsler; five step children and two grandsons.