Gary Termeer, Class of 1959
Posted May 13, 2022

Gary Termeer ’59 died March 16, 2021. Born August 15, 1937 to the late Al and Ruthella Termeer, in Dublin, Ohio. Gary was a graduate of Dublin High School and Otterbein College, where he played football and was in the Leather Helmet Gang.
Gary was a past or present member of: National Association for Health and Fitness (Board of Directors), International Rescue and Emergency Care Association Board of Directors and past-President and Member of International Championship Teams from Columbus and Dublin. International Association of Fire Chiefs, Ohio Fire Chiefs, International Association of Firefighters. North Area Mental Health Association (Board of Directors). Hug Club of Columbus. 1955 Dublin High School State Runners-up in Baseball. American Legion’s Firefighter of the year with Columbus and Dublin. Among first 27 firefighters in Columbus to become Paramedics in United States and the Free World. Established and supervised the first Township Medic Unit (Dublin) in the state. Numerous other awards and honors.
He was a retired professor from Columbus State Community College and previously served as Executive Director of the Governor’s Advisory Council on Physical Fitness, Wellness and Sports; Ohio Department of Health. Executive Director of EMS Advisory Council. Fire Chief, Dublin, Ohio. Firefighter-Paramedic at Dublin, Franklin Township, Columbus and Plain City Fire Departments. Adjunct Faculty Ohio Fire Academy and State Fire School, T & I Fire and EMS instructor. Teacher-Coach at Jonathan Alder High School.
Preceded in death by wife, Marilyn, parents Al and Ruthella Termeer, brothers, Larry, Jerry and Albert; stepchildren Jeff Harrison, Holly Ray, and Mary Beth Wilson; sisters-in-law Marilyn Alice and Margie; in-laws, Wesley and Orpha Windish.
Survived by daughters, Laurie Termeer (Matt White), Lynda (Pete) Corrova, and son, Keith (Marta) Harrison; brother Dick ’55 (Marilyn Jean) Termeer; grandchildren, Sarah Cain, Emily Champ, Amanda (Jason) Malley, Courtney (Adam) Wright, Cody (Mary Kate) Corrova, Ryan Wilson, Dominy and Morgan Denney, Paige and Paul Harrison; great-grandchildren Aaron, Tommy, Cael, Bria, Rune, Mackenzie, Alex and Ava. Special grandchildren Thomas and Jacob Day, many nieces and nephews and special care-giver Chrissy.