Joanne Miller Stichweh, Class of 1967
Posted Nov 08, 2019
Joanne Miller Stichweh ’67 died November 5, 2019. She was born March 3, 1945 to the late Leslie and Ethyl Miller. Art and education were Joanne’s passions and life’s work. A 1967 Otterbein graduate and Professor Emerita of Art, Joanne received her MFA from The Ohio State University and taught art history and studio art courses at Otterbein for three decades, retiring in 2009. She was named Otterbein Teacher of the Year in 1999 and received the 2002 Women’s Forum Bread and Roses Award for exemplary service in support of women. Her award-winning artwork has been exhibited locally and regionally and is included in numerous public, private, and corporate collections. Otterbein alumni from every decade credit Joanne with inspiring their lives as artists and creators.
Joanne generously committed her estate to benefit The Frank Museum of Art and the Miller and Fisher Galleries at Otterbein. The Leslie H. and Ethyl Rose Miller Gallery was established in 2006 in honor of Joanne’s parents and features work by international and local artists, artists-in-residence, faculty and prominent art alumni, enriching student learning across the curriculum. Through her estate gift, Joanne creates possibilities for Otterbein students and honors Lillian Frank—her lifelong mentor and inspiration—who opened the door of possibilities for Joanne and so many other national and international friends of Otterbein.