Richard Thomas, Class of 1971
Posted Oct 23, 2023
July 1, 2023
Richard Thomas ’71 died July 1, 2023. He was ordained in 1976 in the United Methodist Church. He served churches in the West Ohio Conference including Vandalia, Fort Jefferson, Woodville, Maize Manor and Milford First UMC from which he retired after 17 years. In retirement he served as interim pastor for Liberty UMC,chaplain at Wesley Ridge Retirement Community, where he and his wife lived; and part-time support at Newcomer Funeral Home. He was preceded in death by mother, Polly Kerns Thomas ’48; mother-in-law, Jean Plott Robinson ’41; and uncle Clifford Kerns ’48. He is survived by his wife of 52 years, Jeanette (Jennie) Robinson Thomas ’71; two sons, John Mark (Samantha Jean) and Matthew Richard (Ashley Dawn); two grandchildren; and brother, Rev. Robert L Thomas ’74.
David Ruch ‘69 died March 28, 2023. David was a member of Zeta Phi and Campus Crusade for Christ. After graduation he briefly taught in Granville, Ohio schools, before joining the corporate world in 1971. His career would take him and his family to all parts of the U.S. working with construction products sales and marketing. He is survived by his wife of 51 years, Kathe Sue Bachmann Ruch ’71; two children, Karl David (Julie) and Beth Lynne Ruch (Chris); six grandchildren; sister, Kathleen Ruch Brightman ’74, brother, Dow Ruch ’65; sister-in-law, Elisabeth Bachmann Fields ’74 and brother-in-law, Douglas Fields ’74.