Shirley Baker, Class of 1958
Posted Oct 05, 2021

Shirley Baker ’58 died August 16, 2021. She was born April 5, 1936 in Tiro, Ohio to the late Carl and Daisy Baker. Shirley graduated in the top of her class from Tiro High School and then attended Otterbein where she earned a bachelor’s of English and Education with a minor in Speech Communication. She was also involved in the Theta Alpha Phi honor society, Quiz and Quill, and was a member of Theta Nu (Greenwich) sorority. Shirley spent her career teaching special education in Central Ohio.
Upon her retirement from public education, she spent years as a volunteer for her churches Bethel United Methodist Church and Church of the Master United Methodist. She worked in children’s ministry, campus ministry for Otterbein, and telecare ministry. She loved spending time with her beloved friends going to various theater productions, Otterbein’s being one of her favorites.
She is preceded in death by her brothers Jim and Bill, and sister in law, Alice Mae Baker. She is survived by her sister in law Margaret Baker, nephews Robert, David, Dick, and Paul Baker, and nieces Christine Searles and Mary Beth Harms, as well as many great nieces and great nephews.