Otterbein Students Study Abroad Around the World

Posted Jul 08, 2022

By: Catie Duzzny ’21 MBA, ’23

For some students, spring semester was all about planning for a class trip after classes ended. Students traveled abroad in May and June to Italy, London, Austria, Budapest, Hungary, and more.

On these trips, they experienced art, architecture, and the cultural heritage of these different nations.

For travel courses, students first complete related classwork to prepare for what to expect on the trip while on campus. Then, when they travel abroad, students apply what they learned in the classroom to different aspects of their trip.

Professors Jim Bowling, Amy Johnson, and Kerry Strayer were a part of the faculty-led trip to Italy and London. This study abroad experience was a part of the course Palaces, Ruins, and Ghosts: Art, Architecture, and Cultural Heritage. This course could earn credit for Integrative Studies, Senior Year Experience, or Art History.

Rome Vatican Group Photo
Students at the Vatican, Rome

“Students will gain understanding of the importance of cultural heritage for maintaining local communities and global connections. Upon their return to the U.S., students will be reflecting on their experiences and the knowledge gained by studying abroad,” said Johnson.

On this faculty-led trip, students saw the Colosseum, Pompeii, Vatican City, Tower of London, Hampton Court Palace, and more.

“This trip taught me what it is like to really be engulfed in another culture that is different than the United States. Connecting the course with the trip and seeing different art pieces and sites in person versus studying them from a book was so amazing,” said Michael Hunkins ’23, an Art and Art History major.

Another class traveled to Vienna, Austria, and Budapest, Hungary, with Professors Jim Bates and Dennis Davenport. During this course students attended lectures from Viennese and Hungarian faculty, museums, concerts, a soccer game, and had new experiences in food, language, and social interactions.

“Visiting all the castles that were turned into museums was an amazing experience. I loved exploring and meeting new people. This trip taught me about different social cultures and how it has changed and continues to change,” said Business Administration major Kayla Hetrick ’22.

For many students, the study abroad opportunities Otterbein offers are an eye-opening experience to the rest of the world, new cultures, and monumental moments many will remember years later.

“If you are interested in traveling, just do it! It is amazing to be able to get experience outside of the classroom and campus. You make a lot of connections and meet new people, as well as get to know the professors better,” said Hunkins. For more information on studying abroad please contact and look out for the Study Abroad Fair coming this Fall semester.