Acquisitions Request
Interested in suggesting something for the Library collection?
Complete below Acquisitions Request form. Please provide the following with each request:
- Author
- Title
- Publisher & Year
The Courtright Memorial Library encourages requests from all users. However, priority will be given to faculty & staff requests (see our full Collection Development Policy for more information). Whenever possible, please provide a link to the item. Please note requests are not guaranteed for purchase. Thank you for your understanding. Click on the following form to submit your request:
If you experienced any technical difficulties or have any questions, Please send your requests directly to
Useful Information about Technical Services at Otterbein
Technical Services Process:
Items requested are vetted against our existing collection, print and electronic, and then purchased. Once received, items are confirmed, paid for, and then cataloged, which is the act of making them a fully accessible library resource, discoverable in our collection. Licensing processes and questions, inventory or access issues, delivery delays or shipping issues, and a variety of other factors may expand the time frames listed below, which are shared as general references and not guarantees.
Requests for Course Reserve:
Items that are needed for course reserves are considered RUSH requests and may incur extra shipping charges and other increased costs. Please ensure you’ve selected the RUSH option, and included all relevant course information when submitting one of these requests. These requests typically are purchased within 5-7 business days of the receipt of the request and shipping times run between 7-14 business days on average. Reserve items will be cataloged with the highest priority.
General Requests:
Items requested will be purchased within 10-20 business days from the time the request is received. The specific timeframe depends upon a variety of factors including time of year and difficulty encountered in acquiring the item. Shipping times are estimated between 7-21 business days.
Cataloging Time:
Materials will be in the cataloging/processing phase for roughly 14 business days, depending upon a variety of factors including the uniqueness of the item. This includes physical and digital content; kits and games may take longer due to their complexities. The processing phase includes applying necessary library treatments – stickers and labels and stamps – before the item is given to the front-of-house staff so they can be either shelved, placed on HOLD, or placed on Course Reserve.
Library Reimbursement Policy:
If you are going to be traveling internationally or attending a gallery or exhibit and feel that you may be in a position to purchase items to be added to the library collection, and thus require reimbursement, please contact either your librarian liaison or the Technical Services Librarian ( (x1938) well in advance of your trip.
More Information:
If you are having difficulty locating information about the item you wish to request, please contact your library liaison or the Technical Services Librarian ( for help.
Contact the Library
138 West Main Street.
Westerville, OH 43081